Monday, March 3, 2014

Reuse Supermarket Herbs

Herbs growing in shoe bags
Basil, thyme, parsley and more all grown from supermarket herbs.
Are you too impatient to grow fresh herbs from seeds and too thrifty to buy them potted? This tip is for you!

Did you know that you can grow your own fresh herbs from fresh herbs you buy in the produce department?

It's true! It should work with any herbs you can grow from cuttings. Here's how.

The Very Easy Way to Grow Supermarket Herbs at Home

  1. In the produce section, look for small potted herbs or herbs with the rootball still attached.
  2. Place a handful of gravel in the bottom of a 6-inch pot.
  3. Fill the pot about 3/4ths full with potting soil.
  4. Add plant food according to package directions.
  5. Gentle shake soil loose from the plant roots.
  6. Carefully set the plant into the pot, spreading the roots across the surface of the soil.
  7. Add more soil to cover the roots and about an inch of the main stem.
  8. Firm the soil by pressing it down firmly around the stem until the plant can stand unsupported.
  9. Water well and place in a sunny window.
  10. Enjoy an endless supply of fresh herbs.

The Slightly Harder But Still Easy Way to Grow Supermarket Herbs at Home

  1. In the produce section, look for bunches of herbs that look fresh, green and healthy. They should have stems at least 6 inches long, with leaves (or leaf nodes) on the lower 2 inches.
  2. Select several stems that look healthy. If you're lucky, some may already have started to put out roots.
  3. Snip the bottom of the stem to provide a clean cut.
  4. Strip the leaves from the bottom 2 inches of each stem.
  5. Dip the stem in rooting powder if you have it. It's not necessary, but it will increase you odds of success.
  6. Prepare a 4-inch pot as above with potting soil and plant food, but fill it to within an inch of the top with soil.
  7. Gently insert 2-3 stems of the same herb into the soil in each pot, making sure that the leaf nodes are beneath the soil's surface.
  8. Gently firm the soil around the stems until the cuttings are standing on their own.
  9. Water well and place in a sunny window.
  10. See #10 above.

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